Learning Disability Frustrations

Woman frustrated in front of laptop

The frustration of living with learning disabilities, undiagnosed (ULD) and diagnosed (LD) is like living with the weather…unpredictable

It can be a topsy-turvy life because most people with LD are smart having strengths as well as weaknesses. In the areas of strength learning is comfortably rewarding. People feel good about themselves.


In areas of weakness, these same smart people can become discouraged because having to perform or achieve is so hard. Take, for example, the brilliant person who becomes tongue tied and embarrassed every time he is called upon at work or in class.

There’s nothing like the frustration of trying to overcome invisible obstacles to play havoc with one’s confidence and self esteem. What’s this frustration like? It’s like being in an unbridgeable chasm. (click here to learn more about The Chasm) So, having to work so hard with minimal reward can cause smart people to feel lazy, unmotivated and like an underachiever. It’s hard to work when one fears that the end result will be mediocre or worse.

Often, the frustration of LD doesn’t go away. It’s always hard to function in areas of weakness.

If these frustrations happen too often and last too long, traumatic learning failure can happen! These failures can go into emotional memory and cause serious distress as we grow up!